Pay attention to your children!

Pay attention to your children!

The best gift you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence. These are achievements that can only be achieved through raising awareness about education.
Therefore involving parents in education is the key to helping children be successful in school. The parent should be seen as a partner, as an observer, as an advisor. Children get better when parents care about what they are doing in school.

Parents have a fundamental responsibility for the education and social development of children. From the moment of birth, parents and other family members are the first and foremost educators of children.
At home, children learn how to talk and develop language skills, learn values, social skills and knowledge about society.

One of the most important things a parent can do is pay attention to their child. To know and know well the emotional state, whether he is shy or not if there is something that bothers and worries him, to have knowledge of what he likes and cares about his child, etc.

We want students to be responsible for their own successes and failures. They need to learn to feel good about themselves, to learn how to make decisions, and to be responsible for the outcome of those decisions. We must imply that the will and motivation to learn should be a desire that comes from within and not as a result of rewards from parents. Therefore parents should be very careful in this part.

Research has shown that the involvement of parents in the education of children has a great impact on them during the process of their growth and development as an individual. And the most important stage is when children begin to understand the world around them and gain knowledge in school institutions. The support of parents in this part is necessary as it would directly affect a better quality teaching, more meaningful awareness regarding schooling, better grades, learning knowledge and continuing education up to post-university level.
And do not forget parents that only children can make your heart "mountain"