Kujtim's mother, confesses through tears! 😢

Kujtim's mother, confesses through tears! 😢

Tony's mother, confesses through tears! 😢

Case of Remembrance - An 11-year-old Ashkali child who was raped and strangled by another member of the community. The sexual rape and murder of Kujtim Veseli were preventable and this was stated by the People's Advocate in the report published on this case. Police and Prosecutors have been notified by numerous sources of the first rape and should have immediately stopped and sought S.O.'s detention to protect Kujtim's well-being and life.
#SocialJustice #meshikongjyrenesyveelekuresnukkarendesi #vendperkrejt

Link: https://fb.watch/2dFqqJXDPd/