Embroidery, the most beautiful art of girls/women! 🙂

Embroidery, the most beautiful art of girls/women! 🙂

Embroidery, the most beautiful art of girls/women! 🙂
Handicrafts are so special that they are about artistic craftsmanship and also continue to be a profitable tradition across generations.

Ethnography is a strong evidence of a fine aesthetic taste, even when it comes to items that serve the individual in everyday life and not only when they have a decorative role. Preservation of family tradition is characteristic of every country.

Despite rapid technological developments and a fast pace of life in society, some crafts prevail over time. A simple observation in different environments is enough to prove that handicrafts are an inseparable part of the world.

This tradition is preserved and cultivated by the girls/women of the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities from the village of Gadime in the municipality of Lipjan. Which regularly visit the center in this village and deal with different workers which they then sell depending on the demand. A different activity away from housework and breaking the daily routine.
They are lucky to work because handicrafts in embroidery and crochet is a tradition that has stood the test of time.